
Viačeslav Vladimirovič to Jurij Dolgorukij, 1151

From Viačeslav Vladimirovič to Jurij Dolgorukij, 1151


оу тебе сыновъ. -з-. а ıа ихъ ѿ тебе не ѿгонѭ. а оу мене ѡдина дъва сыны Изѧславъ и Ростиславъ. а инии моложьшии сѫть же. но ıа брате тобѣ мълвлѭ. Роусьскы дѣлıа землѣ и христьіанъ дѣлıа. поѣди же въ свои Переѧславль и Коурьскъ. и съ своими сынъми а ѡнамо оу тебе Ростовъ Великыи. и Ольговичи поусти домови. а сами сѧ оурѧдимъ. а крови христьіаньскы не пролѣимы. пакы ли по своємоу замыслоу поидеши. ако же єси и поѣхалъ... а тои ны прѣчистѣи Госпожи сѫдити съ сынъмь своимь и Богъмь нашимь. въ сии вѣкъ и въ бѫдѫщии (430—431).

You have seven sons and I don’t keep them off you. And I have only two sons, Iziaslav and Rostislav, and others are younger. So I, my brother, I say to you for the sake of the Russian land and for the sake of Christians, "Go to your Pereyaslavl and to Kursk with your sons, and you have also Great Rostov. And let Olegoviches go home. And we shall settle it ourselves so as not to shed blood of Christians. Will you still go for you intent, as you’ve already gone? And it is up to her, the Blessed Lady, do judge us with her Son and our God, in this age and in the future.

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