
Viacheslav Vladimirovich to Géza II, 1151

No. 7. From Viacheslav Vladimirovich to Géza II of Hungary, 1151

ты нама єси тако оучинилъ ıако же можеть тако братъ роженыи братоу своємоу. или сынъ ѡтьцю ако же ты нама помоглъ. вѣ же пакы брате собѣ мълвивѣ. нама даи богъ нероздѣльно съ тобоѭ быти ничимьже. но аче твоıа ѡбида къде а нама даи богъ тоу самѣма быти за твоѭ ѡбиду. или пакы братьєѭ своєѭ или съ сынъми своими. и пълкы своими. а нама сѧ тобѣ нѣчимь ѡтъкоупити семоу. толико главоѭ своєѭ ако же ты нама єси сътворилъ. нынѣ тако же своє дѣло съвьрши добро. самого тебе не зовемъ. занє же цьсарь ти ратьнъ. нъ поусти на помочь. любо такѫ же пакы а сильнѣишѭ того поусти на. съ братъмь съ своимь Мьстиславъмь а съ наю сынъмь занє же Гюргии єсть сильнъ. а Давидовичи и Ольговичи съ нимь сѫть. аче и половьци дикии съ нимь. а и тыи золотъмь възводить нынѣ же брате сеѣ весны помози на. даже бѫдевѣ сеѣ весны. вѣ порозна. а вѣ бѫдевѣ съ своими пълкы тобѣ въ помочь. пакы ли сѧ ты ѡтъ цьсаря оуправиши. а ты бѫди нама помощьни а вьсе ти съкажѭть твои мѫжи. и братъ твои Мьстиславъ како ны богъ помоглъ. и пакы како сѧ по насъ ѧла Роусьскаıа землıа и чьрнии клобоуци (420—421).

You did to us what only a brother can do to his brother or a son to his father, this is how you helped us both. And we say it again, brother, between us, "God help us be together with you in everything." And if you have some offence, God help us stand with you for your offence or with our brothers, or with our sons and our troops. And we have nothing to render to you for this, unless our heads, for what you did to both of us. Now complete your work in the same good way. We do not call you, because the emperor is fighting against you, but send us help. The same help or a stronger help, send it to us with our brother and with our son Mstislav, because Yuri is strong, and Davidoviches and Olegoviches are with him, and moreover, wild Polovtsians are with him, because he brings them for gold. Now, brother, help us this spring. And if we both are unoccupied this spring, we shall stand with our troops to help you. And as you get rid of the emperor, be our helper. And your people and your brother Mstislav will tell you everything: how God helpt us, and how the entire Russian land and Karakalpaks stood for us.

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