
Jakymŭ and Sĭmĭunŭ to Dŭmitrŭ, No. 735

Letter No. 735

Отъ Якыма и отъ Сьмьюна къ Дъмитроу. Въдаи паробъкоу семоу конь полоубоуивъ же шизыи и, сътворѧ добрѣ, помози ємоу поправити — любо и до Коростомлıа.

From Jakymŭ (Yakym) and Sĭmĭunŭ (Semiun) to Dŭmitrŭ (Dmitr). Give the grey wildish horse to this servant and please help him deliver [the cargo] at least as far as Korostoml'.

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