
Janŭka with Seliata to Jarina, No. 731

Letter No. 731

Покланıаниє отъ ІАнъкы съ Селѧтоѭ къ ІАринѣ. Хочеть ти твоєго дѣтѧтичь. О свѧто же ти єѣ хоче. Аже хочеши, въ бързѣ же сьде бѫди. И ѧла єсмь сѧ ємоу по рѫкѫ, ıако ты єси мълвила ємоу ты дьни: «Приидеши — томь дьне поимѫ». И нѣ ли ти тамо повоицıа, а кривъши присъли. А къде ти мънѣ хлѣбъ, тоу и тобѣ.

A bow from Janŭka (Yanka) with Seliata to Jarina (Yarina). The child still wants yours [what you promised]. He wants it for the holiday. If you please, be here immediately. And I promised him my consent [that it should be] as you said recently: "You come, and I marry you off on the same day." And if you have no povoynik there, then having bought it, send it. Where there is bread for me, there is also bread for you.

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